Quick Tip: Snap Some Quick Pics

Written By Penulis on Senin, 07 Maret 2011 | 12.00

Camera viewfinder with focus on
Here’s a Quick Tip for your Windows Phone:
One of the most useful hardware features of Windows Phones is the camera button. Not only can you hold the phone and take pictures like a traditional camera without pushing a button on a screen, Microsoft has kindly added a pretty ingenious feature with this button: going from a locked phone to camera mode within seconds.
Here’s the breakdown:
  1. When the phone’s screen is off and locked, press and hold down on the camera button. (The camera button is found on the bottom-right side of most Windows Phones)
  2. After a few seconds, the phone will vibrate once.
  3. Release the camera button, and now the camera application is open!
Note: If you have set a password on your phone, this trick will still work but you will not be able to look through photographs taken recently.

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