A Detailed Look at Revealed Windows Phones

Written By Penulis on Selasa, 12 Juli 2011 | 14.59

After breaking the story earlier today, we've been closely scrutinizing the video from WPC 2011 in which new Windows Phones were revealed. Our best look was at the mysterious Samsung Windows Phone which got a nice close-up shot as it was being gloated about. We also got a few good shots of the Fujitsu and the ZTE. So we carefully took a few screenshots and did our best with them to figure out exactly what these devices could be like. Join us past the break for an in-depth look at what to expect from tomrrow's phones today!

The first image is one that shows just how thin the device is. Doing a quick duplicate-what-he-was-doing-by-using-a-mirror test, this Mango device appears to be thinner than the Samsung Focus. That's hardly a surprise if this phone really does turn out to be a replica of the Galaxy S II, which measures 8.7mm at its thinnest point.

This second shot shows the Samsung device being held up near the other three devices from a wider angle. Assuming that the Samsung is roughly the same distance away from the camera as the others, it appears that the device has the largest screen. Once again if rumors come true, the display will likely be the same 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus from its Android cousin.

The next device is the Acer handset and we've photoshopped the dummy picture of the Acer W4 alongside it. When we first saw the device we just assumed it was the W4, but after comparing the two it's possible they are different--the model shown today appears less rounded at the top and bottom Or it's likely the design has changed since the W4 appeared as a fake model. The phone still appears plasticky to the touch and therefore a little cheap meaning this could very well be a midrange handset. We won't know until we get a peek at what's under the hood.

Then there's the Fujitsu device, which looks like the most plastic anyone could ever fit onto a smartphone. Still, it's touted as being waterproof and seems to be a quite lean device, so they could have done worse. The device itself is a rectangular slab that looks pretty similar to the Nokia N8 to us. That's all we know at the moment about this one.

Finally, moving on to the ZTE handset, we can see that it's a fair bit chubbier than the other phones but the quality of materials seems better. The back appears to be soft touch while the sides look like aluminium or at least coated plastic. We really do like the overall look of the device, except for the over eager Windows Phone branding on front and back.

Are you excited about any of these phones? Personally we're extremely excited to see the new Samsung device, but the ZTE handset doesn't look too shabby either. Tell us your picks in the comments below!

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