More Windows Phone News from WPC 2011: 22,000 Apps, Mango plans and More

Written By Penulis on Selasa, 12 Juli 2011 | 12.15

Microsoft's Worldwide Partners Conference this year held a lot more Windows Phone information than we had anticipated, but it is already July so it's about time for Microsoft to start the slick talk. Here's some quick factoids we learned from the Conference:

  • The Windows Phone Marketplace has 22,000 apps by Microsoft's count although other sources have already pinned the Marketplace at 25,000. [via: Neowin]
  • Microsoft's goals with Mango devices this Fall:
    • "More than double the size" of devices in the market.
    • To support "more countries" with services.
    • "Decrease the phone prices in half" which could mean new midrange devices.
    • To work closely with Nokia on their upcoming hardware.
  • Why Windows Phone isn't Microsoft's tablet operating system:
    • "We view a tablet as a sort of PC. We want people to be able to do the sort of things they do on a PC on a tablet. Things like get USB drives and pop them into their tablets. To be able to do things like printing...using Office. All of the things that you can do on a PC." [via: Business Insider]
Very interesting stuff indeed!

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