Shazam and Encore Reappear in Marketplace, They Still Want Your Money

Written By Penulis on Kamis, 26 Mei 2011 | 16.28

This is just depressing. We were hoping Shazam: Encore was removed from the Marketplace because the company was reconsidering the frankly outrageous $5.99 sticker price. We had hope in the good of humankind. Looks like our assumptions were wrong and Encore has returned with the same price while the free original Shazam app is now limited in the number of song tags. We can't help but think that Shazam is being extremely greedy in this situation. The least they could have done is made the original app cost maybe $0.99 with unlimited tagging and then try to sell Encore for more due to the more features it has. But they didn't do that and we have a hard time encouraging this kind of behavior in the Marketplace, especially when Music Search is about to launch with Mango.

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