Mango Preview: Voice to Text Confirmed, Completely Hands-Free

Written By Penulis on Selasa, 24 Mei 2011 | 10.10

During this morning's presentation, one extremely impressive demo was the snazzy new Voice-to-Text feature to be included in Mango later this Fall. We had heard rumors about it earlier, but today we got a quick look at how it works. The demo placed the user in a scenario: you're listening to music while driving with your headset on and you get a text message. The phone will recognize that the headset is plugged in and will ask if you'd like the message to be read or ignored. If you choose read, the vocal system will do just that and then you can choose whether or not to reply. If you pick reply, you simply say what you want to and the phone will repeat what it heard and ask you to confirm it. Once confirmed, the application quits itself and the music starts playing. All of this was done with absolutely zero physical interaction with the phone, which was extremely cool to see in action. Finally, Microsoft has solved texting and driving!

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