Mango Preview: Rumor Bingo Results Are In!

Written By Penulis on Selasa, 24 Mei 2011 | 15.43

Man what a day! We've done sixteen posts on today's Mango Preview Event and we're pretty sure we broke a few fingers in the process. Don't beat yourself up -- it was all worth it to see so much awesome functionality coming to our precious Windows Phones in the future. Well if you were playing our Mango Rumor Bingo while the action was going down then good news...DOUBLE BINGO! Let's take a look at what popped up green on our bingo sheet:

But what functionality didn't come to Windows Phone that was rumored and considered highly likely to make an appearance today? Let's break it down.
  • Windows Phone Mango was not renamed Windows Phone 7.5. We thought this one would definitely happen, but Microsoft has yet to commit to a name to go to market with.
  • Rumors of Zune getting split up into Xbox Live and Windows Live brands failed to come to fruition, and the original rumor said it would happen specifically today.
  • Sadly no news about Mobile Hotspot or even USB tethering yet, but we're assuming it's going to come with the hardware announcements when Mango officially launches.
  • Skype integration was rumored but since the acquisition isn't supposed to be finalized until this Fall, Microsoft most likely just hasn't had enough time. We don't even think it'll make it into the final build of Mango.
  • Here's the big one: zero hardware announcements. We heard that crazy rumor of 9 new devices launching today but we should have known better from the rumor's shady origins.

It's still entirely possible some of the unconfirmed rumors could come true (turn-by-turn navigation was discovered as we were writing this up) but we're exhausted! We'll be calling it a day folks (but not before an obligatory recap post).

What are your final thoughts on the rumors that didn't work out for today? Still have hopes?

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