Mango Preview: Qualcomm Says to Expect Snapdragon in Mango Launch Devices,

Written By Penulis on Selasa, 24 Mei 2011 | 08.45

IntoMobile just spotted a statement from Qualcomm's executive VP that the next-generation of Windows Phone handsets are going to be Snapdragon-fueled. It seems like they were stating the obvious, but recent news about ST-Ericsson making a move into the Windows Phone chip race required a little bit of clarification from Qualcomm. Here's the full statement:

“Qualcomm has a long history of working closely with Microsoft and we continue to support the launches of new Windows Phones based on our Snapdragon processors. We are excited about this next Windows Phone Mango release that will leverage the synergy of our highly integrated second generation Snapdragon solution and Microsoft’s Windows Phone software,”

Via: Engadget
Source: IntoMobile

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