Mango Preview Event: Games Hub, Music + Videos Hub, and Office Hub Completely Revamped

Written By Penulis on Selasa, 24 Mei 2011 | 07.19

So Andy Lees talked about how Hubs were being refined in order to bring third-party apps to the foreground, and boy he wasn't kidding. From a cursory glance at the image above, we can see that the Music + Videos Hub, the Office Hub, and the Games Hub have all seen pretty significant facelifts, but the demo only presented the latter two so the changes to the Music + Videos Hub remains to be seen in-depth.

The Office Hub's redesign still has OneNote docs as the first pivot, but now there's a new pivot for Documents from Excel, PowerPoint, and Word (all of which are color coded). But it's not all just look: the Office Hub is receiving some big productivity boosts with built-in SkyDrive and Office 365 support as well as improved SharePoint functionality. Finally Office is getting the attention it deserves.

The new coat of paint on the Games Hub seems a little more significant. We can see now that the white-on-green look of what was spotted at MIX '11 and leaked recently has been ditching for an appropriately more Xbox-gunmetal-shade-of-gray. Besides the colors, the app list is now easier to navigate instead of flicking through those giant tiles like before. And finally the Games Hub is throwing the 3D interactive Avatar right into a main pivot, which means Xbox Live Extras could soon be a thing of the past.

Are you excited by these new Hub-centric features?

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