AT&T HD7S Coming Out Before June 26

Written By Penulis on Senin, 02 Mei 2011 | 18.18

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I spy with my little eye, a timeframe for the HTC HD7S to be released on AT&T.

We just reported on a free 90-day Zune Pass offer for eligible AT&T customers who purchase a Windows Phone between now and June 26 of this year. Well, taking a quick look at the offer's rules we spotted quite the valuable nugget of information. Among the other phones, the offer says the HTC HD7S is also eligible for the contest. Using a little deductive reasoning, we can then assume that the HD7S will become available on AT&T any day before the end of the contest, June 26. Elementary, my dear Windows fans.

Source: Zune Pass Offer (Rules)

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